How can an effective business phone system help your business retain the best talent?

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Every business is only as good as its workforce – and attracting then holding onto your best people are now partly determined by how supportive, flexible, agile and efficient your communications and IT systems are.

Did you know that 75% of employees rank workplace flexibility as their most important benefit?

Better people means better business

Losing or being unable to attract top quality employees damages your ability to be competitive, while high levels of employee churn increase costs.

Digital natives’ demands

Younger workers expect to be able to share information easily and instantly, seamlessly switching between communications methods such as voice, video and messaging.  This becomes even more important when you consider that 75% of the workforce will be made up of the Millennial generation (born between 1982 and 2003) by 2025.

Your systems say a lot about you

The quality of your communications and IT systems can influence the quality of employee that you attract and retain.

Lack of delivery means departures

Traditional phone systems can’t deliver the flexibility and functionality that both young and old employees now take for granted. If they can’t work the way they want, your best employees will leave.

You need to ensure that your communications systems meet the needs of all your workers.  Poorly equipped employees equates to lost productivity and a demotivated workforce who will ultimately resign and leave you with expensive recruitment and training costs.

Today’s workforces are increasingly dispersed, but they still need to communicate and collaborate effectively – wherever and whenever. If employees don’t have access to the communication and collaboration tools they need, their productivity is adversely impacted.

Dispersed workforce

More and more businesses now have a mix of mobile workers, home workers and freelancers collaborating with office-based staff.

Information access

All your people need access to the same information and tools, and they all need to be in contact at anytime, from any location.

Productivity and profitability

Restricted access to the tools they need negatively impacts your people’s productivity – and lower productivity means lower profitability.

PBX inflexibility

Traditional PBX systems were designed for office-based personnel – not a flexible, mobile workforce – and can damage employee productivity.

Modernisation benefits

Improving productivity is often the primary reason why firms replace a PBX with modern communications solutions.

Did you know that by 2020, over 70% of firms will have adopted flexible working? However, traditional PBX systems were simply not designed for flexible working and can damage employee productivity. Communications.

Traditional, on-premise phone systems no longer match the needs of today’s modern businesses.  We are now living in the age of Cloud Communications.

Expand your opportunities

By freeing you from the constraints of a physical location and fixed workforce, Cloud Communications enable you to expand your opportunities.

Ensure seamless experiences

You can now integrate multiple communications and collaboration services into a single solution, enabling you to deliver the seamless experiences that your employees and our customers increasingly expect.

Work smarter, anywhere

Enabling access to all the information and tools your employees need – anywhere and anytime – Cloud Communications can significantly improve your people’s productivity.

Stay ahead with the latest technology

By ensuring you’re always upgraded to the latest technology, Cloud Communications help you stay competitive and at the forefront of business communication developments.

Reduce your risks

Cloud Communications feature the built-in resilience and security you need to significantly reduce the risks of damaging downtime.

Free up time

Because your service provider manages and maintains your Cloud Communication solution, you are free to focus on adding more value to your business.

Did you know, 93% of employees felt productivity had been improved by their organisation adopting Unified Communications and collaboration tools?

Switching to Cloud Communications maximises your profitability and unleashed the true potential of your business.